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Friday 2nd
Turned out at four Bells and went on deck. The wind had changed during the night more in our favour and we are dashing along rapidly, about three p.m. a sail was discovered to the Southare of us with which we exchanged signals. She proved to be a Dutch Man of War, and caused some considerable excitement among the passengers She being the first sail we had seen since we started 7 p.m. a beautiful star light night and I have sat for some time gazing over the sides of the Ship as she dashes through the water, & contemplating on the wonders of creation, the incomprehensible and nightly power that rules and governs them, it being cloudy to day no Latitude was obtained.

Saturday 3d
Felt rather indisposed this morning from the effects of eating stewed beans yesterday for dinner by exercise however I have drove it off, and now feel better, wind still continues fair and everything promises a quick passage. saw a Fin back Whale today. Oh this sea travelling how wearisome it is nothing to observe but the same continuation of the sea & sky, and 200 of us pent up here with not 20 ft of room to exercise our marrow bone in compeled to grab and snatch our food and eat out of our hands, without knife or fork like dogs, and all for Gold, well there is no hardship to great for a live yankee to endure when there is a prospect of making the almighty dollar Lat 30 25 Lon 37"10

Sunday 4th
The Sun rose from his watery bed this morning without a cloud to observe his brightness, there is scarsely wind enough create a ripple on the water and the