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about nine o clock and thus ended the Anniversary of Washingtons Birth Day.

Friday 23d
To day we have made four miles, a very slight breeze and we hope that we have the commencement of the S.E. trades these winds blow from the above point, Seldom varying more than one or two  points [[?]] during the year, take it Cool, if the Thermometer does range from 85 to 90 and in the Cooks Galley 120, the Cook a regular built darkey. with a Cucumber head and a nose as flat as a frying pan. Seems to stand the heat as though he had been down in a furnace and raised in the interior of a volcano, his hair or wool curls so tight it almost lifts him of his feet and his lips are much thicker than Hasty Pudding Yah he is quite happy

Saturday 24th
I had the pleasure of witnessing the most magnificent Scene this morning, I ever beheld Sunrise on the Equator, as we expected yesterday, we have obtained the trades and are now going on our way rejoicing, Lat 17 min North Lon

Sunday 25th
In the evening Friend B, and myself, as usual retired to rest on top of the Cabin, in about an hour a Squall of wind and rain came on, and we came to the conclusion to tuff it out, which we did it lasting about an hour, we hugged each other like two white mice, but got beautifully moistened, in about an hour another squall made its appearance and we came to the same conclusion as before but the rain coming in torrents, friend B left for below. I very soon took up my Bed and walked, giving vent to my feelings in measured terms, dropped part of my Bed under the

Transcription Notes:
that could also be 'born' in a furnace (on Fri 23d)