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and round comes the Main and Mizen Yards which are quickly braced up the next order let go and haul is given and the head Yards are Swung round to meet the breeze and she fills away on the other tack our Captain who is a finished Seaman gives his order clear and distinct. allowing time for every thing to be done and having it done at the proper time.
We head W by S.nine pm heading W.S.W. and preparations are making to tack ship again, Round we go heading our course N by E Lat 35"25 Lon 73"26

Saturday May 12th
A beautiful morning, The air mild yet bracing. The high bluffs of S A in sight. o the breeze is growing some fresher, we lay becalmed last night and when I went on deck early this morning. the sea was calm and smooth and lay like a Slumbering Lion and the winds fearing his fury dreaded to wake it. Lat 35"00 Long 73"00

Sunday May 13th
This morning we are heading N.E. and expect to get in to port tomorrow. There are six vessels in sight all bound in, and the passengers seem busily engaged in watching them Telegraphed a Hermaphrodite Brig. which the Captain thinks is the Saltillo of Boston, She is heading for us and the excitement on board of us is great we spoke her and She proved to be the S. Saild from Boston Dec 27th and came through the Straits. The speaking this vessel created quite a different opinion of the good Ship Capitol, including the detention at Rio, we have beat her some forty days, and the passengers now think we shall not be the last of the fleet, The crew are getting up the chain and preparing the anchor, and tomorrow I hope we shall drop our Mud Hook in Valparaiso, when I shall go on shore and visit the senoritas and have a time.
Latitude 33"01 Longitude 73"40"