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[[preprinted]] 12 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] self lubricating bearings [[/margin]]
to whom I had written explaining him my idea of Bakelite self lubricating [[?]] bearing. I explained him my process and showed him samples among which were samples of Bakelike - graphite and Bakelite graphite bearings.  He seemed very much interested and expressed his interest. I promised him to make him sample bushings so that he might try them and thus judge whether my invention was practical for his purposes.
Lewis took him to New York with motor car.
[[margin]] Nov. 18 [[/margin]] Busy as usual
[[margin]] Nov 19. [[/margin]] am anxiously expecting copy
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 13 [[/preprinted]] 
of intermediate patent so as to file it in time in Switzerland. Went to N.Y to meet Mr Murtrie and Parker and nominate Loeb Pres. Chemical Club, T. F Stone & Little V.P. P. Mr. [[Theney?]] Secretary. Evans treasurer.  Eveng went to University Club hence home.
[[margin]] Nov 20. [[/margin]] Remained in laboratory all day
[[margin]] Nov 21. [[/margin]] [[strikethrough]] Worked in la [[/strikethrough]] Dictated letters in morning, then went to Mr [[Thleney?]] who wanted my advice about some Bakelite simulating compounds that had been sent to him for analysis and who stood before