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the afternoon and we drove home in a very foggy evening. Lost the way twice. Lewis drove.
[[margin]] Nov 23 [[/margin]] Albert H. Hooker arrived here in fog with E H Hooker & Marsh in Limousine car. The two latter left after a short joint conference.
[[margin]] 1 X [[/margin]]
A. H. Hooker spent here all remainder of the day confering with me and I drove him to the station at 11 P.M. Lewis was in bed and I drove myself. Very dense fog which made driving extremely difficult I drove very slowly.  Returning home while taking Nevins (near Heavy the undertaker.) 
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[[preprinted]] 19 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] auto misshap [[/margin]]
hill and changing gears my gear was out of order and did not catch and before long the car was running backwards. To make matters worse, the foot brake proved to be worn out by the hard service of the previous day. The car ran back very rapidly and I foresaw immediate disaster if I could not stem increasing speed. I tried to back up to the right under the little stable way of Heavy's Livery stable but all this had to be done quickly and in an almost impenetrable fog. Result I missed the