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roadway by about two or three feet, backed in the large plate glass windows, which were entirely smattered and for which I expect a bill. The men employed by Heavy rushed down stairs and tried to comfort me with their expressions of regret but I regretted much more to put them all so much in discomfort. No other damage except a slight gash in rear tire. I felt lucky to be off with no serious injury and drove cautiously home.
[[margin]] Nov. 24.[[/margin]] Visit of Mr. Garland of Ohio Brass Co who came 
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with letter of introduction from Mr. Reily (of N. Y Central RR). to inquire whether he could obtain Bakelite for the making of insulating materials which is part business of his company. Explained him everything. Gave him a sample and showed him how to work Bakelite on press. He signed my laboratory journal and left here about 1 P.M. 
In the afternoon came here Mr. [[underlined]] Barringer [[/underlined]] of the General Electric Co (signed journal) telling me of his successes in trying to make insulators with 
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