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Bakelite. I explained him his mistakes gave him positive information for avoiding same in future. Made a molding before his eyes and he left here about 5:30 P.M.
[[margin]] Nov 25. [[/margin]] Dictated letters all morning. Lewis molding cylinders for Bache. (Self lubricating bearings)
[[margin]] very foggy day [[/margin]]
[[margin]] Nov 26 [[/margin]] Decided to build annex to my laboratory. Worked all day in lab. Bight, dry weather
[[margin]] Nov 27 [[/margin]] Thanksgiving day. Worked all day here.
[[margin]] Nov 28. [[/margin]] Went to N.Y. went to see Max Boch of to Cuba. Met there his family also Mr. Mnier his brother in law who is desirous of using Bakelite for 
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cutlery. Went to Mouguin's where a met at the Fensophs. Then went to University Club where I took supper, then home
[[margin]] Nov 29. [[/margin]] Sunday. Lewis went to fetch the Baskervilles while I worked in lab. Mrs. Snow, Baskervilles m. i. l. was with them.  Lewis drove them back at 5:30 P.M. Fine weather, calm & mild.
[[margin]] Nov 30. [[/margin]] Dictated letters & worked in lab. Left about 5 P.M. for New York. Dinner of Economic Club at Astoria Hotel. Baskville & Henry Toch same table. Crowded rooms Paul Morton made a dry speech full of Platitudes - Profanity Dr. Ned Murray
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