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feel rather sore. _ E H. Hooker was the only one who supported him on his 221/2" cell. Once in awhile Marsh lost his temper with Sperry and had some word scrimmage with him I agreed entirely with A H. Hooker and with Townsend. At 7 PM left there and went to Hotel. Everybody leaves Niagara. Took supper alone at Hotel. It is very cold cold wind. Yesterday water of lake in Buffalo was blown over breakwater in by waves causing spray. Man in train asked me whether it was Niagara Falls!
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The morning spray of the falls had coated pavement and side walk in Niagara Falls so as to cause frosting and make it very slippery at 9:30 P M Brindley and Fitzgerald came to see me at the hotel and remained with me until 11 P.M. Brindley was just back from Japan. Went to bed at 11 P.M.
[[margin]]My opinion for most desirable cell is as follows:
1st choice 14" high x 10 feet long
2nd     "    14"   "   x 20   "    "
3rd      "    19"   "   x 15   "    "[[margin]]
Dec. 3. Went to plant of D. F. Co about 9 AM. Trees and woods near Falls are all frosted on account of spray. Had conference with A H Hooker and made inspection of plant. Brindley visited plant. Noon time invited Rowland for lunch with me at Clifton 
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