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agreeable meeting so as to take train to Yonkers to meeting of Anvil Cub at van Eyck's. Speaker was Stone, "Is Christianity on the wrong track" or something of the kind. Had still time to participate in discussion, which was a very lively one. and denoted in everybody present very liberal ideas.
[[margin]] December 6. [[/margin]] Spent almost all day in laboratory. In the afternoon children and Celine took a walk.
[[margin]] Decemb 7. [[/margin]] Dictated letters all day. received stacks of applications for position of 
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assistant chemist which I intend to engage so as to help me carry out quicker some of my research work. Mrs. Evans, my typewriter has been kept busy all day writing letters.
Carpenter has annex of laboratory under roof. With Lewis [[underline]] I made for the first time a run of 150 kilos solid A. This is the largest one ever made. [[/underline]] Everything went along nicely but for the fact that I had to keep hustling from Jim at the boiler to Lewis at the vacuum pan. In the evening received a letter from principal of
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