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walked with Little to University Club, talking Townsend Cell and cellulose acetate, then he walked with me as far as 42d. st. and I took train home 12:30 A.M
[[margin]] Dec. 10. [[/margin]]  Letters and laboratory work and supervising new construction.
Had interview in evening with [[margin]] [[check mark]] [[/margin]] [[underlined]] Dr. Gothelf [[/underlined]] and engaged him as second assistant at $100.00 per month. The man looks very bashful I hope he will pan out better as a chemist.
[[margin]] Dec. 11 [[/margin]] Letters dictating and laboratory work. went to N.Y to meet at 5:45 P.M at Chemists Club, Wallace Cohoes of Toronto who wanted to 
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see me in regard to Townsend cell and also because his partner Van Winetel had seen a sample of Bakelite (obtained through Rowler of Celluloid Co) and desired to obtain further information with view of utilizing same in Canada. I told him to let the matter rest for awhile until my patents were out.
Went with him to Savoy where we had dinner of Am. Chem. Soc. Whitaker & Miner of Welsbrook Light Co. were also my guests. Started the meeting at Chemists Club promptly at 8:15 P.M. First papers by Little = Lamb.
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