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[[preprinted]] 38 [[/preprinted]]
Then Hill = determination of [[strikethrough]] H2SO4 B [[/strikethrough]] Barium as [[indate?]].
Then Whitaker & Miner = Rare Earths, and Welbsbach mantles. 
Then Alexander = Ultra microscope.  Paper reading finished at 10:35 P.M.  Full room notwithstanding dreadful rainy weather.  Afterwards traveled with Bourman & Evans to Lotus Club where ate Rarebit and in conversation forgot it was 12:35 P.M. and thus had missed last train on central.  Took Subway and phoned for carriage to Heavy
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[[preprinted]] 39 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] Dec 12. [[/margin]] Remained home all day usual work.  annex almost finished.  George went to N.Y. with his mother to see the stores.
[[margin]] Dec 13. [[/margin]] Worked in morning in lab.  afternoon wrote letters.  It has snowed and everything is white.
[[margin]] Dec 14. [[/margin]] Laboratory rather upset on account of carpenter [[strikethrough]] hamer [[/strikethrough]] hammering around on alterations. This makes work rather tiresome.
[[margin]] Dec 15. [[/margin]] Dr. Gothelf whom I have just engaged as my assistant ($100 per month) reported for work and I sent him to N.Y. to Columbia library in order to find out any existing literature relative to formation of phosphorchlorides on oxychlorides by action of C + Cl on phosphoric acid or phosphates.