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Windsor Terrace. Present: Hagerman, Kelman, Butler, Hubbard. Jenks, (Cox has a cold) guests Dr. Von Herf, Mr Shroeder a neighbour of Tildsley. My subject: [[underlined]] Race Suicide forced & real. [[/underlined]] There was a good discussion like usual and my views seemed to be generally accepted.
Walked home at 12 P.M. clear moonlight , frozen snow.
[[margin]] Dec 21. [[/margin]] Dictated letters and worked in lab until 5 PM Then dressed and with Celine Lewis drove us to Hotel Endicott.
Annual meeting of N.Y. Academy of Sciences and Dinner afterwards. 
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C.F. Cox address: Darwin and the theory of mutation a well presented address. Afterwards drove Baskerville to his home and remained with him talking until past midnight. Cold snappy weather. also frozen snow. but roads excellent and car ran beautifully. Arrived home about 1:30 PM.
Dec. 22. A very bus day. Worked in Laboratory until 6 P.M.
Dec. 23 It has snowed last night. In afternoon went to bank to get Bond of Wisconsin Central and some cash. Delivered bond and got check for $890.00. This is my last bond of the kind sacrificed
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