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nap. Took lunch with Baskerville at Hotel. Evening listened to
lecture on Autochrome Frames Lumiere with lantern slides. Speaker Simon had very slow and painful delivery but showed [[strikethrough]] very [[/strikethrough]] splendid lantern slides. Smoker too "smoky" for me so kept out of room. Spent evening discussing research work with Dr Hill and Prof Rosonaff.
The latter has undoubted personal traits, individuality,
interesting young man. says he is 35 years old. Look somewhat
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like consumptive, thin and dry cough, but shows undoubtedly to 
be advanced thinker.
Levine came around complimented me on my address as published in Science., [[insertion]] on War and explosives [[/insertion]] told me he was a socialist and therefore agreed with me in my address. Later on spent evening with McMurtrie.
Richardson (of Chicago) [[Converse?]] Dr Smith and a few others pairing wit and telling stories. It was 2 P.M. when we got to bed.
[[margin]] Dec. 30 [[/margin]] In the morning went to register for the A.A.A.S. at Melvoy Hall of John Hopkins [[end page]]