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[[preprinted]] 70 [[/preprinted]] 
Lunch with Celine at Belmont Hotel. Arrived in Yonkers in time to participate in discussions of Anvil Club. assembled at Miss Wadsworth's. Paper of evening, Dr. Tildsley: "Is restriction of [[strikethrough]] trade [[/strikethrough]] production warranted"?
He took positive view defending labor unions. Arrived home after 12 P.M.
[[margin]] Jan 3. [[/margin]] Sunday. Spent all day in laboratory with Lewis
[[margin]] Jan 4. [[/margin]] Slept long and well until past 9. A.M. and even then felt somewhat drowsy. Dictated letters all morning and spent remainder of day in laboratory
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[[preprinted]] 71 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] Jan 5. [[/margin]] Could not close an eye [[insertion]] close an eye [[/insertion]] last night. Spent night reading Why is this? Got up rather tired dictated letters all morning. Took short nap afternoon. Hot rainy unpleasant weather. Spent some part of afternoon in lab distilling acetone. Evening wrote letters also. [[strikethrough]] address for [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] started my paper on Bakelite [[/underlined]]
[[margin]] Jan 6 [[/margin]] Letter dictating all morning Feel empty headed. Perhaps not enough physical exercise and too much office work Went to N.Y to deliver 100 shares Pressed Steel Car Pref. to Selysberg & Co. Afternoon visited Automobile show in Central Palace. A great fire-haz
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