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Lewis, Jim, Blurlow and Gothelf present. In the afternoon had visit of Seabury who reported about his trip to Niagara Falls and how Cox, Max Marman, [[Lislebury?]], Carneth, Acheson, Converse and others for whom I had given him letters of introduction had shown unusual interest towards Bakelite and his samples.
At 7 P.M Lewis drove me to Prof. [[underlined]] Chandlers [[/underlined]] house where I met [[underlined]] Loeb [[/underlined]], Mc Murtrie and Toch [[underlined]] relative financing of our new chemists club building. [[/underlined]] After meeting Chandler offered us a 
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nice little supper in his house (Loeb had left) and we spent very interesting evening listening to his stories of early studies, visit to Europe, student life in Göttingen, his early beginnings
here. - Nice old chap! He says he is 72 years old yet after I had forgotten my overcoat on second floor, Chandler playfully beat me in running up stairs to fetch it and ran as fast as a boy!
Drove Mc Murtrie and Toch home then arrived in Yonkers past midnight
[[margin]] Jan 12. [[/margin]] Excellent night's sleep spent time [dicating?]] letters