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manager Mr. Meade. Explained them all about uses and properties of Bakelite made appointment with them for tomorrow in Yonkers   Then went to Baskerville's house, where Celine arrived just in motor car, slush & snow & frozen thaw, horrible mess in streets. Max Toch & Mrs. Toch were there too for dinner.  Pleasant evening.  I made them laugh by telling story of how I loaned Toch's evening's suit at reception of Dr. von Martins in Berlin (3rd International
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Congress of chemistry in 1903) and how I entered the room being announced as: "Dr. Baekeland of Yonkers!" and how I mingled with the distinguished company [[strikethrough]] my [[/strikethrough]] with my suit being several sizes too small (Toch is about 5'4" and I am 6").  I illustrated all this by putting on Toch's coat.  Much laughter.
Came home comfortably in motor car at about 1 P.M.
[margin]] Jan 15. [[/margin]] Next day felt rather tired.  In morning had [[strikethrough]] visit of Mr. Crabb of [[/strikethrough]]