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[[preprinted]] 84 [[/preprinted]]
[[strikethrough]] Pennsylvania lubricating Co, to whom I showed
all my [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] had [[/insertion]] busy time dictlating and attending to laboratory work where I [[underlined]] have now four men working under my directions. [[/underlined]] At about 3 P.M. Garland & Mende +
[[margin]] x of Ohio Brass Co [[/margin]]
came here. I showed them my samples, explained once more all about Bakelite, brought them in laboratory, explained how we used them, showed them how to use it and discussed further possible modifications in process. They told me could use much Bakelite
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[[preprinted]] 85 [[/preprinted]]
were anxious to go ahead would place an order if I so desired. Told them it would be better for them to experiment a little longer and I would send them immediately all necessary material, mixed and unmixed. They left about 6 P.M.
[[underlined]] Addenda to Jan 15! [[/underlined]] I forgot to mention on page 80 that my first visit to New York was to the [[underlined]] office of American Hard Rubber Co in Mercer street at about [[/underlined]] 11 A.M. where I met their President (Mr. [[underlined]] Achelis [[/underlined]] I believe is his name) and a gentleman who was introduced to me as a certain Mr. Witely or
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