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and I was one week too soon Walked in slush to Mouquins then took train home. Slushy nasty depressing day in New York. What a difference with the country when I arrived here everything
clean white snow.
Jan 29. Busy all day like usually evening went to Harvard Club where [[underlined]] Loeb [[/underlined]] had invited about forty chemists to supper. A very enjoyable affair. I cannot understand how people can eat so much. After I took some fish I felt very much nourished yet the other ones ate sweetbreads and each a good sized young duck and heaven knows
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what more.  My abstention from meat eating has at least brought about one important result that I am less inclined to eat too much. I cannot conceive that so much unnecessary cramming of food can be anything but detrimental to health.
Much snow. we walked to smoker of Chemists Club.Prof. Morley ^[[of Morley Michelson fame]] was elected the first honorary member of the club.
I made speech welcoming Dr. Whitney. Good music. Holland triplet. Breneman spoiled the evening by talking too long on the subject of apparatus of Geologial Survey for studying coal mine explosions
Nobody listened to him after
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