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[[underlined]] George [[/underlined]] and I are going to the Boat Show. this afternoon  Fine crisp weather not too cold.
[[strikethrough]] Feb 17 [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] Nina [[/underlined]] went with us and so [[?]] of being kept after school.  We all three went to that celebration which interested us all.  Put G. & N. ^George & Nina^ with their bag full of catalogs etc. in the Subway.  I stayed in New York & went to the Club.
Feb. 17  This morning I find in the mail that I have been elected by majority on nomination ballot of [[underlined]] Am. Electrochemical Society [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] President  Next in number is Dr.
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[[underlined]] Walker [[/underlined]] of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  Great as the honor is I shall not accept it prefer to give a chance to Walter to whom it will do good.  Have written that way to Prof Richards and to several other declining nomination and posting letter in bulletin board of Club and shall have letter published in Electrochemical Industry  I do not desire to set a bad precedent by being elected in a society directly to highest office before having shown my fitness by first being useful in humbler capacity.  Let us give the others a chance
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