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discussion with him until 2:30 A.M. Here again I saw the pity of a brilliant intelligent man, historian, psychologist,and literateur who misses sadly a scientific preparation,hence not only is not aware what he is short but thinks like all pseudo-educated people that material science does not contribute to culture while I believe on the contrary that no true culture is possible without it. Here
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is a man representing the old school who imagines that writers and versifiers and so called philosophers like Kant make the world
advance and make them [[/vertical red line in left margin]][[end page]]
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happier. I doubt whether Professor Kuhneman, could plant a garden; or use a hand saw or a hammer or whether he could understand the simplest technical or scientific problems and yet he thinks that Schiller, Goethe Kant are the base of all culture, forgetting entirely that action as well as thought and dreams make our race better & and happier. That culture implies not only reading & philosophizing but implies action and creation and utilizing the
forces of nature and the accumulation of knowledge.
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March 1 I slept very little. got up
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