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[[preprinted]] 150 [[/preprinted]]
[[underlined]] publicly my work was my way of celebrating my 25th anniversary of my doctorship. [[/underlined]] I had quite a success with my paper and a very long and intelligent discussion followed which lasted until late.
Evans, [[Tiffard?]], [[Cassum?]]. R. Anthony. Baskerville we all went to new building of Lotus Club where we ate Welsh rarebit and where Evans in our honor toasted us with a bottle of champagne. Pouring rain in coming home. I ordered carriage from Heavy and it was past 3AM when I arrived here.
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[[preprinted]] 151 [[/preprinted]]
[[in red on top of month]] 1909
[[vertical red line in left margin]] Laboratory afire! [[vertical marginal entry written in red]]
March 2 Althou' I slept very little did not feel very tired but took the day in a restful way  Went to bed early and fell asleep soon. But at [[underlined]] about 11 PM. awakened again and read for quite some time. Then fell asleep again with my window open. Was [[underlined]] awakened by some unusual crunching noise as if somebody snapped a branch in the bushes [[/underlined]] of Untermeyer's garden. Fell asleep again and was again 
awakened by some noise as if somebody tread on the boards of next room. Went to next room and found door open. Supposed the door had slammed, but could not decide that this was the real cause because there
[[/vertical red line in left margin]]
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