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by about 5 PM. and I accompanied him to trolley car.
Celine is in New York invited by Mrs. C.F. Cox.  I spent evening with children talking over the happenings of today. Will Anders came to see me in his auto. Berolzheimer sent me letter of sympathies  So did Patsche call me up at 'phone.
[[vertical red line in margin]]
Lawyer of General Electric Co. sent me back yesterday the license I send them; they sent it by registered [[/vertical red line in margin]] letter disclaiming any acceptance of my rules.  I wrote
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them back today telling them that this license is mainly for their protection.  These red-tape kickers forget however that they have accepted by bill, the rules of which are more binding than my license!  Tomorrow the representatives of the Insurance Companies are expected.  Then immediately afterwards we can start work reconstructing everything.  Went to bed very tired but slept pretty well.  At about 5 AM started writing out list of losses.
March 9.  Dictated letters visited barn; What a wreck!  Violent snowstorm. Everything white
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