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Trinks.  The former is a very much cut-up faced german who speaks english fluently  The latter is an englishman who has studied in Germany and is an electrical engineer who seems very well acquainted with his subject.  After supper I showed them my work on Bakelite.
15 March.  Armstrong begins digging for foundation of new lab.
March 16  Cold windy weather.  Butler and Jim are replanting privet along Oppenheimer line.
March 17.  Some work.  This morning while dictating letters got cablegram from Chemiker Zeitung asking at what terms my
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european Bakelite patents are for sale.
A little later was called up by a [[underlined]] Dr. Frank [[/underlined]] who says he is from [[underlined]] Siemens & Halske [[/underlined]] and wants to see me for my european patents.  Made appointment for Friday morning.  Has my article in the Chemiker Zeitung appeared?  Is this already the result of it.
March 18.  This afternoon old Mr. Swan and his son Hylton Swan came to see me so as to learn more about Bakelite.  Showed them all my samples seemed greatly interested  Mr. Swan is a gentleman 74 years old with a
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