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might try. Offered him to send Thurlow. He said he was willing to make a bet that from the first time he tries Bakelite he would make a good billiard ball out of it. Examined my old billiard ball samples, knocked them together, struck them hard, made me listen to their "song" when gently knocked together etc.
Says he makes "pins" ^[[insertion]] and balls [[/insertion]] for ten pin games ^[[insertion]] bowling [[/insertion]] by simply compressing soft wood so as to increase its density
I told him how we do same thing but after first impregnating with Bakelite.
Took a plan of my old white port. Showed him my view from tower. Gave him and Swan copy of my Motor trip
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book. We talked Darwinian Evolution etc. He showed some very broad ideas. Says could not believe that if there was a heaven for the lowest nigger there should be none for a faithful dog or a fine horse, would sooner believe there was none for either than to believe in a God who had arranged matters so wrongfully. Says is friend of Dr. H W. Wiley. I sent them away in carriage from Heavy's at about 6 P.M. When I walked back to construction found one side of posts were up and excavation was pretty well advanced.
Celine was in New York for supper at Mrs. Baskiville.
Spent some time during evening