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[[image - map of "Russian America", "British America (new britain)", "Greenland", "United States", "Mexico", "West Indies", "Central America", and surrounding bodies of water]]

The Capitals of Countries are represented thus * 
The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New York 516 signifies 516,000 inhabitants. The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundred of miles of their length of course thus the Mississippi River 4I signifies 41,00 miles long. The words underscored are the names of hidden Tribes. Matrimony Stations.     

No. 4 
Engraved to illustrate 
[[italics]] MITCHELL'S [[/italics]] 
School and Family Geography 

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1852 by S. August Mitchell in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the eastern district of Pennsylvania.

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