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[[underlined]] Maine [[/underlined]]
J. D. Parker, Steuben, Washington Co B De
Rev. S.H. Merrill, Blue Hill Hancock Co
Joshua Bartlett, Whitehead
Dr.      Wood, Portland
Dr Augustus C. Hamlin, Bangor
Rev. Jos. Blake, Cumberland Centre.    Botany
A. J. Packard Jr., Brunswick.   [[Reptiles?]], Insects B.
A. E. Verrill. Norway. Me. De   Orthoptera In. [[Geomet??]] [[?]]
J. P. Cilley, Thomaston    General De
Dr. Cushman, Wiscasset   Birds  De.
Henry Willis, Portland    "  De
Rev J. W. Hanson, Gardiner.     Birds  De
Prof. Chadbourne, Brunswick       "   De
S. B. Beckett, Portland, Me. [[birds?]] B.e.
R. E. Farnham, Woolwich.    De.
Thos. Lincoln.   Denisville, Me.  De. b.
Geo. Emerson Brackett,Belfast.  e.
Saml. R Carter, Paris, Oxford Co    Insects - [[M?]]
J. F. Pratt, M.D. New Sharon, Franklin Co. De. b  Eggs
Albert S Bickmore, Tenants Harbor, Lincoln Co ^[[Temporarily Box 105 Hanover , N.H]]   ort       "
Geo. A Boardman [[circled]] Milltown[[/circled]] ^[[Calais P.O. Washington Co]] (Residence St. Stephen N.B) ( Care of Gorham Boardman 115 [[Walt?]] Peters, Chasewater Boston)
Lt. A. S. Hyde. Rev. Culler Jackson Eastport Shells
C. L. [[Goold? Gould?]]. Cape Elizabeth Light, Oakhill, Me.  Birds
Rev. Marcus R. Keep. Ashland, Aroostook Co
Henry Reynolds, East Wilton.   A          Animals
B. F. Stevens, Waterville, Birds. x. 64
Geo. F. Talbot. 69 Park St. Portland (x.69)
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