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[from the top to bottom] 

[map of the state of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia] 

[right-bottom of the map] 

Map OF THE MIDDLE STATES AND PART OF THE SOUTHERN. Engraved to Illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. 

The Capital of states are  represented thus * Country Towns 
Rail Road_____ Canals______ 
The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the number of thousands of the population thus New York 516 signifies 516.000 inhabitants. 
The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of their length of course thus the Hudson River 35 signifies 350 miles long. 
These characters [some symbols] signify steam boat,ship and ship navigation the distance of which from the sea in miles is pointed out by the attached figures. 
Remarkable battles are pointed out by a flag thus [a symbol of flag] the attached figures indicate the year which they took place.