Viewing page 41 of 85

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Arthur Middlelow. Eq. Georgetown S.C.
Dr. St. I. Ravenel
Dr. J. C. Cain Asheville N.C.
[[blue checkmark ]] Dr. Gabriel E. Manigault. Curator Charleston Mus.
[[blue checkmark]] Dr. W. W. Anderson Staitsburg. S.C.
T. W.  Woodward. Winnsboro. (Interested Ind Culture ap. 74)
[[end page]]
[[start page]]
[[pencil]] Georgia [[/pencil]]
[[underlined]] Georgia [[/underlined]]

R. R. Cuyler, Savannah
Dr. W. Lewis Jones [[strikethrough]] Rueboro [[fr?]] [[/strikethrough]] Dc Washington
Dr. Jas. Leconte, [[strikethrough]] Macon? [[/strikethrough]] Columbia S.C. Dc
Jas. P. Postell, Darien Ga. [[strikethrough]] Hamilton [[/strikethrough]] St. Simons Isl [[superscript]] d [[/superscript]]  m. B. Dc
J. Hamilton, Couper " " [[Ditto for: Darien Gn. Hamilton Dc
Dr S. D. [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] W [[/strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] Wilson Dariens " [[Ditto for: Hamilton]] B  . Dc .1.
Dr. E. M. Pendleton, Sparta Hancock Co. Dc
Thos. P. Cleveland, near Waynesboro, Burke Co. Dc
Wm. B. Carr, Madison Dc
Wm. Phillips, Augusta Dc
H. M. Neisler, [[strikethrough]] Columbus [[/strikethrough]] Butler Dc
Col. T. C. Downie, Frederica B Dc
Bishop Elliott, Savannah Dc
Dr. A. Means, Oxford Dc
Prof. Jno. Darley, Culloden [[(Ala)?]] Dc
Dr. W. C. Daniels, Decatur : Dc
P. B. Cullen, Perry Houston Co. Dc
Richard T. Gibson, Whitemarsh isld., [[Pl?]], Dc
Dr. ^ [[insertion]] Wm. [[/insertion]] Gesner, Columbus, Ga m -
Dr. E. W. Harker, Augusta  m  B  Dc
Prof. Jno. D. Easter, Athens
[[red mark]]Arthur C. Ford, Augusta (m) B  Dc
L. B. Mercer, Chenuba Terrel Co. Herb. Dc
Richard Peters, Atlanta  Dc 1
[[strikethrough]] Dr. [[/strikethrough]] Alex Gerhardt,[[blue mark]] Varnell Station [[insertion]] Whitfield [[Co.?]] [[/insertion]] Georgia.  Eggs - bird Dc. B.
Henry Smith, Darien. Eggs [[ck e?]] 
I. Avery Skilton, Savannah, Planter.  Dc

Transcription Notes:
Mentioned colour of check mark as it indicates a later addition possibly by someone other than original writer - info the SI will want. TC would like " transcribed as follows " [[Ditto for: text]] Not sure if [[be]] or [[De]] at the end of line? Is Dc see below From page 3 of document - what looks like "be" is Dc for "Direction for coll..."