Viewing page 64 of 85

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Oregon, Washington and Alaska

Chas. P. Dyer. Smiths Island Light House, via Port Townsend W. T. eggs et [[nov.?]] 74
D. P. Thompson Portland Oregon (salmon canner. Mar. 77)
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
109 3/4
Lt. Geo. M. Wheeler, Box 1194 S. Francisco May 1871
[[pencil]] [[strikethrough]] California [[/strikethrough]] Oregon [[/pencil]]
P. S. Knight. Salem Oregon [[circled]] 72 [[/circled]] Birds & eggs

[[underlined]] Oregon [[/underlined]]

[[strikethrough]] Dr. J. Evans, Portland Oregon City [[/strikethrough]]
John F. Noble [[Wyeletpoo?]] via Walla Walla Dc
Frances Panton, Oregon City. Dc
T. J. Dryer, Portland
[[W?]]. H. Tappan, St. Helens Dc 1
[[strikethrough]] J. K. Cardwell, Corvallis. Benton Co. [[strikethrough]] Animals Dc.
R. W. Dunbar. Port Orford O. V. Dc 1
H. Catley Hospital Steward U.S.A St. Umpqua Dc
M. J. Ryan. AM. Prest. Columbia College. Eugene City.
Dr. J. R. Cardwell. Portland Oregon
Prof. D. C. Taft. Pacific University [[?]] II. 64
Ed. Norton of Wells [[Jays? Tays?]] etc Portland 
Henry Cummins Eugene City
F.H. Crawford Sublimity. (II. 64)

[[underlined]] California [[/underlined]]

John S. Kittell Office Alta California S. Fr
Dr. John A. [[Neateh?]] S Fr. 1
Daniel Hill, Santa Barbara 1
J. R. A. Stanley Los Angeles
Lt. John Feilner [[strikethrough]] Sergeant Comp. [[A? F?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[First?]] [[Dragoons?]] Fort Crook via Red Bluff
Ed. Hutchins Cala. Magazine, San Francisco
Ed. Heskeram
W. Murray Lock Box 1327 S. Francisco Plants
Wm. Vaille Yreka Siskyou Co. Care of Chas. Ritter Taxidermist [[?]]
Judge Rosborough Yreka has charge of Modoc and Silas Indians. [[camp?]] there to collect eggs
W. Burling Esq San Francisco. Cal (trader to the [[amour?]]
Jas. H. Jenkins. Care Heath & Green. San Francisco
Dr. D. F. Parkinson [[strikethrough]] Hosp. Steward. Ft. [[Crook?]] [[/strikethrough]] Tehama Cal 
J. Sloane Collector San Diego
Dr. G. A. Hoon camp independence [[Owens?]] valley [[no?]] [[Esalin?]] Keysville Tulare Co.
R. E. C. Stearns Lock Box 1449 San Frans. [[Archeol?]]
W. F. Schwarz Care H. N. Bolander Lock Box 1996. S. Fr. Birds Dc 65 [[?]]
Dr. D. F. Parkinson Tehama Cal. ap. 67.
[[blue checkmark]] Dr. Lorenzo Y. Yates. Centreville Alameda Co. Cal. eggs. 1867

[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
See first page for key to notations m/B/Dc