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[[preprinted map of German states]] 

MAP OF GERMANY, SWITZERLAND AND NORTHERN ITALY. Engraved to illustrate MITCHELL'S School and Family Geography. 
Scales of Miles. 

          GERMAN STATES. 

   States        Rank      Capitals 
1.Austria      Empire       Vienna 
2.Prussia      Kingdom      Berlin 
3.Bavaria      Kingdom      Munich 
4.Wirtemberg   Kingdom      Stuttgard
5.Hanover      Kingdom      Hanover
6.Saxony       Kingdom      Dresden   
7.Baden        Grand Duchy  Carlsruhe
8.Hesse Cassel Electorate   Cassel 
9.Hesse-Darmstadt Grand Duchy Darmstadt     
10.Hesse Homburg Landgraviate Homburg 
11.Holstein [&c] Duchy       Kiel 
12.Luxemburg   Grand Duchy  Luxemburg 
13.Saxe Weimar  Grand Duchy  Weimar 
14.Saxe Coburg Gotha  Duchy  Coburg 
15.Saxe Altenburg     Duchy  Altenburg
16.Saxe Meiningen Hilburghausen D.  Meiningen 
17.Brunswick          Duchy  Brunswick
18.Mecklenburg-Schwerin Gr Duchy Schwerin
19.Mecklenburg-Strelitz Gr Duchy New Strelitz 
20.Oldenburg         Grand Duchy Oldenburg
21.Nassau                  Duchy   Wisbaden 
22.Anhalt Dessau           Duchy   Dessau 
23.Anhalt Bernburg   Duchy     Bernburg 
24.Anhalt Cathico     Duchy     Codon 
25.Reuss-Greitz      Principality Greitz 
26.Reuss-Schleitz  Principality Lobenstein 
27.Lichtenstein     Principality Vaduz 
28.Schwarzburg-Sondershausen Pr.  Sondershausen 
29.Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt   Principality    Rudolstadt
30.Lippe-Schaumburg         Principality    Bückeburg
31.Lippe                    Principality     Detmold
32.Waldeck          Principality             Arolsen 
33.Hamburg          Republic                 Hamburg 
34.Lubeck          Republic                  Lubeck 
35.Bremen           Republic                 Bremen 
36.Frankfort        Republic                Frankfort 

The people of the states underscored are chiefly Catholics,those of the others are Protestants. The governments of the states marked thus* are Absolute the others are Limited or Republican. Germany extends N and S from the Adriatic to the Baltic Sea and from France, Belgium and Holland on the W to Polish Prussia and Galicia on the E. Greatest length 680 miles. Greatest width 620 miles. Area 245000 square miles. Population 11,200,000 .

[on the bottom-right] 

The capitals of Countries are represented thus [[symbol]] 
The Free Cities thus [[symbol]] 
The figures attached to the Cities and Towns indicate the numbers of thousands of the population thus [[symbol]] 420 signify 420.000 inhabitants.
The figures attached to the Rivers indicate the number of hundreds of miles of their length of course thus: the [[Dercot?]] River signifies [[?]] miles long.
Remarkable [[battles?]] are [[returned?]] out by a flag thus [[symbol of flag]] the attached figures indicate the year in which they took place. 
[[C?]] [[line]] [[? Roads]] [[dotted line]] Universities and Colleges [[symbol]]

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[[pencil]] Germany & Switzerland [[/pencil]]
[[underlined]] Germany [[/underlined]] [[checkmark]]

Dr. Geo. Hartlaub, Bremen.  D.c. l
Dr. J. Cabanis, Berlin l Johanns'ter Strasse 6. (Dec. 69)
H. B. Möllhausen, Potsdam 
[[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] Dr. J. W. Sturm, 709 Panier Strasse, Nurnberg l
Madame Therese Xantus de [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] Szidnay Nonnengasse, Buziasy [[schos?]] Haus gegenüber der Nonnenkloster 
[[strikethrough]] Chez Mr. Alexandre d'Oswald, procureur, [[/strikethrough]] 
Raab. (Hungary) Austria
[[strikethrough]] Pápa (Hungary) Austria [[/strikethrough]] .l.
H. de Laussure, Geneva. l
Mr. Le Comte Coloman Lázár,[[Szaswaror.?]] [[(Bross)?]] Transylvania, via Vienna. Ornithol. friend of Xantus l.
Dr. [[strikethrough]] Henry [[/strikethrough]] Hermann Hagen, 24 Vorder Rossgarten, Königsberg. Prussia
Dr. C. Felder, Kohlmarkt, 1149, Wien. Lepidoptera
Maximilian, Prince of Wied. Neuwied
Dr. Rudolph Kner. Wien. [[?]]
Dr. Benno Matthes. Elbberg No. 3. Dresden
[[blue checkmark]] Prof. W. Peters. Director Zool. Mus. Univ. Berlin
Dr. Carl Scherzer. 2 Liechtensteingasse. Wien (1863)
[[blue checkmark]] Dr. August von Pelzeln, Custor Adjuncton am K. K. Zoologischen [[Rabonete?]]. Wien (Birds)   mar. 63 
W. Klaeger. Nadlermeister. Lindenstrasse No. 35. Berlin ([[Price cork?]] 25 [[sbg.?]] 1000 No 1, 2, 3, 4 [[wants?]]
[[blue checkmark]] Dr. A. von Frantzius Care | Dr. Emil Joos. Schaffhauson. Switz VII. 68.
[[blue checkmark]] T. von Hellwald VIII Paradeplatz 171 Floriangasser, Vienna [[Mar?]] 69.
Dr. Lindeman Mendestrasse 8. Breman
R. Parkinson. Helegoland (Care 7 Lübeck & Schildkneckt. Altona. via Hamberg, Steamer
Dr. A. von Frantzuis 23 Karlsplatz, Freiburg i B. Oct 75

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