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We the undersigned, Alexander Van Valen, Matthew Van Siclen, Stephen P Clark, William Byxber, and Richard [[?]] Paulisen, of the City of New York. Severally and conjointly do hereby agree for and in consideration of the Sum of Twenty five Hundred Dollars, advanced by Mess. Henry A Kerr and B.S. Clark, to agree to the following terms.

[[underline]]First,[[/underline] To proceed from the Port of New York on or about the first day of January Eighteen Hundred & forty nine, to the Port of San Francisco in upper California, and from thence to proceed to the Gold District without unnecessary delay, and employ our time to the best advantage gathering Gold, and then to remain through two Mining or Summer Seasons--

[[underline]]Second,[[/underline]] That we hereby agree that in case the rainy Season should be such that we are unable to work in the Gold district, We will then repair to San Francisco, or some other point, there to employ our time at work, to the best of our ability for the Mutual benefit of the Whole--

[[underline]]Third,[[/underline]] That the above mentioned sum of Twenty five Hundred Dollars, is to be appropriated in the following manner.  Two thousand Dollars for Passage, Provisions, Mining Tools, &c. The Ballance Five Hundred Dollars to be retained in the hands of the Treasurer to pay all necessary expences in California--

[[underline]]Fourth,[[/underline]] All expences incured, after the expenditure of the above mentioned Five Hundred Dollars