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[[underlined]] 6 [[/underlined]]
Constitution & Bye Laws of the California Mutual Gold mining Company

[[underlined]] Preamble. [[/underlined]] For the purpose of effecting the object and designs of this company, and for the promotion of Harmony, Security and Mutual Benefits of the whole, We Alexander Van Valen, Mathew Van Siclen, Stephen P. Clark, William Byxber and Richard J. Paulison, do hereby adopt the following Articles as the constitution of this Company -

[[underlined]] Article 1st. [[/underlined]] This company to consist of the five above named persons, one of which shall be elected as Captain, to serve for the term of three Months to be Elected in the following maner by Ballot the person getting the highest number of Votes shall be Elected

[[underlined]] Article 2nd. [[/underlined]] That either of the above named persons shall be eligible for that Office, and can be reelected as often as the Company sees fit, in the maner provided for in Art. 1st.

[[underlined]] Article 3rd. [[/underlined]] It shall be the duty of the Captain to enforce a due observance of the Constitution and Bye Laws, and give the casting Vote on all questions that may arise (except when a motion is made by himself) in such case it shall be refered back to the Company for deliberation, and if it should be a tie again then the motion to be laid  aside. To inspect and announce the results of the Ballottings and other Votes. To assign the duties of each. To regulate and end all disputes