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feed called "Corn Bread". The evening was extremely lovely. The Moon was full, and its ^[[soft]] rays reflected upon the water and illuminated the whole Canopy of the Heavens with its mellow light. The Stars shone forth with dazzling splender, all seemed combined to outvie the Beauties of the day. The ardour that had inspired the Passengers to enjoy themselves throughout the day was resumed again in the evening, and it was a late hour before the Company retired -
Sunday Feby 4th 1849. 7 A.M. Wind moderate about the same as yesterday, and Sailing directly before the wind at the rate of about 8 miles an hour. The morning was clear & warm. the day was quietly spent by most of the Passengers in reading the Bible & other religious works, and the Company generally retired early. Lat 32° 42' N Long 40° 53' W

Monday Feby 5th 1849. Weather mild & Clear. Wind North East. had a fine shower of rain during the night. Saw a rainbow this morning which for Brilliancy of colour surpassed anything of the kind I ever saw before. it is an Old saying "that a Rainbow in the Morning, Sailors take Warning", if that be true we may expect some bad Weather to day. 12 PM Lat 32° 27' N Long 37° 52' W We sailed through a large School of Porpoises to day. Guns & Harpoons were brought into requisition but none were Captured. There has been a great deal of dissatisfaction on Board the Ship since we started in relation to our Meals. to day our Dinner was one of those that was too horrible for description, consequently a meeting of passengers was called forthwith, and Capt Baxter was requested to be in attendance, which he did. and also expressed his willingness to comply with any reasonable requests his Passengers may ask for. As is generally the case in a Meeting of this Kind, each one wants to relate his grievances first, consequently none could be heard. The Passengers had previous to this separated themselves into Messes, for the better convenience