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[[underlined]] 20 [[/underlined]]

of eating their meals. The Captain proposed that a  Committee of One be appointed from each Mess and retire to some convenient place to consult & report the best mode to be adopted, to promote Harmony and some portion of the good [[underlined]] Fare [[/underlined]] promised us by E.W.K & Co The Committee were appointed in which the Captain composed one of that committee who retired to the Cabin for deliberation. in an hour they returned and reported as follows. That a new Steward should be appointed to supply the place of the one E.W.K & Co had furnished, he being found incompetent to perform the duties assigned to him. Mr H. Platt of Staten Island was appointed in his stead, after which the Provisions of the Ship were examined and many Articles represented to be there by E.W.K & Co were found wanting, all such is to be procured at St Catharines if possible at the expense of E.W.K & Co, they then made out a regular "Bill of Fare" for each day in the week, all of which ^[[was]] submitted to the Passengers, and adopted unanimously. The Old Steward taking advantage of the last days of his Office prepared for Supper 1 1/2 [[underlined]] Soft Tacks [[/underlined]] each & a piece of [[underlined]] Ginger Bread [[/underlined]]. The new arrangement commences its operations tomorrow - as this was the first appearance of Cake or anything resembling it. that through the instigation of Byxbee one of our Company, who goes by the name of [[underlined]] "Gulick" [[/underlined]] our mess gave the Cook 3 hearty cheers.
Tuesday Feby 6th 1849- 6 AM Weather mild & Clear, wind North, going about 10 miles an hour. we ate our Breakfast on the Deck again this morning, which place we have chosen to eat our Meals since we started. ^[[partly]] from choice and more particularly from necessity, as the Cabin is too small & too much occupied with Baggage. to allow us that privilege there. The new arrangement gave universal Satisfaction, and the first Meal was a decided improvement upon that in 

Transcription Notes:
'soft tack' is leavened bread - 'ship's bread' is unleavened