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[[underlined]] 26 [[/underlined]] Monday Feby 19, 1849. 6 A.M. Weather warm & Cloudy with the appearance of Rain, lost sight of the Bark a little while this morning. light winds. we went to work this morning and washed some of our dirty clothes, which was performed in a style that would make our Modern "Laundry Maids" laugh. after they were sufficiently dry Clarke smoothed them out with a Flat Iron, in very good style. The Shrouds of the Ship presented quite a Holliday appearance to day. it was a general washing day. a Shark was caught to day which created quite an excitement. it was the first one we had seen. after Baiting him awhile with some pieces of Meat, they Baited a large Hook and succeeded in Capturing him, he measured about 7 feet in length, and was said to be a young one, pieces of it was cooked for our Supper and tasted quite well. the Meat was coarse & dry - the Dog belonging to the Rhode Island Co was Supposed to be rabid, and was thrown over Board. 12 M Lat 2° 50' North. Long 24° 50' West. - I made my first ascension to the "Round Top" to day. the ascending was performed with ease, but in descending It was more difficult for the uninitiated and I looked around for a "Lubber hole" to crawl through. and after some little difficulty I reached the Deck and ^[[insertion]] felt [[/insertion]] rejoiced at my safe deliverance from the position I occupied a few moments before - Tuesday Feby 20, 1849. 5 A M Weath hot & Sultry Clear & no Wind, at first a Calm day was quite a Treat, but now it begins to be rather tedious to be knocking and banging about without making any Headway. this morning the Bark that had been following us for several days had come up to within about 4 miles of us - Another Bark was discovered about 8 miles
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Transcription Center have told me they prefer insertions transcribed as [[insertion]] text [[/insertion]] as ^[[text]] indicates handwritten text inserted into typed text.