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Sunday Feby 25. 1849. 6 AM. Weather clear, a fine Wind from the North East which makes it a little cooler, and we were going at the rate of 4 Miles an hour The Morning was chiefly spent in reading the Bible and other Religious works. there appears to be a representation of every religious sect on Board and infidels not excepted. 12 M Lat 1° 37' North  Long 24° 46' West. in the afternoon A M Sexton from Staten Island proposed to have religious services every Sunday afternoon, he requested the Passengers to assemble on the Quarter Deck, and after a few prefatory remarks, he commenced by reading a Chapter in the Bible. he then offered up a Prayer to the Throne of Grace, which was short but very appropriate to the occasion. he then read a few pages from a Book called Baxters call to the unconverted, which was listened to with a great deal of interest by the assemblage the services closed by Singing a Hym. and all appeared much delighted -

Monday Feby 26, 1849. 6 A M. Weather Warm & clear a light breeze from the South East, a great deal has been talked of having a Visit from "Old Neptune" when crossing the Equatorial Line. it was the Saying that all those who never crossed the Line before, or in other words those who had never paid their Respects to "Old Neptune", had to undergo various penalties Such as being besmeared with Slush & Tard and then be shaved with an old rusty Hoop. Hoisted to the Yard arm & then let down in the Water, first up & then down repeating for several times, and Keel Hauling, which is done by passing the Victim over the Sides of the Ship and down under the Keep and then up on the opposite side &c &c all of which must be done or forfeit a Bottle of Wine. the Green ones in order to avoid this