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Sunday March 11th 1849. Clear and Warm. Wind East our Course is altered a little more to the Westward bringing the wind directly astern of us. Saw a Brig to the Westward steering North, we had religious Services on board to day, conducted by Mr Sexten. Lat 24° 44' South Long 43° 47' West -

Monday March 12th 1849, Weather Warm & Clear Wind East. The Sailors are busily engaged to day in preparing the Anchors, for Anchorage in St. Catharines. Lat 25° 34' South Long 46° 10' West.

Tuesday March 13th 1849, Cloudy and rainy. Winds Variable. Saw a large Shark following in our wake this morning, we offered him a verry nice piece of Meat with a hook concealed, but not being verry hungry I suppose, he would not take a bite. The Passengers were on the lookout all the morning for Land. [[underlined]] "Land ho" [[/underlined]] was heard several times this morning, and at each time disappointed, the Clouds, Some of them at the distance having the appearance of Mountains in the afternoon it cleared away some, and at 2 P M land was discovered from the Mast head. and at 4 P M it was distinctly visible from the Decks with the naked eye. Supposed to be about 20 Miles distant. At dark we lay off an or as it is termed in order to run in. in the morning, the Captain nor any of his Officers had been to St. Catharines. it was deemed imprudent to attempt to run in during the night. Lat 27° 00' South Long 47° 06' minutes West -

Wednesday March 14th 1849, Cloudy and rainy. Wind West. blowing directly off from the Land. the current during the night had taken us out of sight of the Land again at day-light. At 3 1/2 A M the Captain undertook to get a lunar observation, but could not get it accurately enough