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[[underlined]] 36 [[/underlined]] to be relied upon. About 7 AM Land was again discovered, but with a head wind, we approached it but slowly. the weather was so thick and foggy, that land was approached more with fear than pleasure, by night again we had approached near enough to discover a bold rocky Shore. The wind in the mean time had increased to almost a gale, so that we were compelled to furl our upper Sails, and reef the Top Sails and Scud before the Wind - thoughts of Shipwrecks and a Lea Shore would often encroach themselves upon the mind, in the absence of sleep during the night. Lat 27° 15' South Long 47° 10' West. Thursday March 15th 1849, Cloudy with frequent squalls of Rain. Wind South South West, blowing a good 10 knot breeze. About 8 A M we made the land again, but too far to the leward of the place where we wanted to enter, and we were compelled to Tack & Beat all day, and not gaining the point we wished to make, the night was dark. The Wind blew a gale at times, and the rain falling in torrents at intervals Lat 27° 08' South Long 48° 33' West - Friday March 16th 1849. Cloudy, Wind South Southwest directly in opposition to us again to day - we would fall off during the night as much as we would gain during the day it being a little more clear to day we could run nearer to the Coast than at any time previous which proved to be verry Mountainous. presenting naked Rocks of a greyish appearance rugged clifs. and high Mountain Peaks covered with dwarf trees to their Summits after beating and tacking again all day