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[[underlined]] 45 [[/underlined]]
A thousand miles from land are we
Tossing about on the roaring Sea
From billow to bounding billow cast
Like fleecy snow on the Stormy blast
The Sails are Scattered abroad like weeds
The Stormy Masts shake like quivering reeds
The mighty Cables, and Iron chains
The Hull, which all earthly strength disdains
They strain and they crack, and hearts like Stone
Their natural hard proud strength disown
Up and down! Up and down!
From the base of the wave, to the billow's crown
And amidst the flashy and feathery foam
The Stormy Petrel finds a home.
A home if such a place may be
For her who lives on the wide, wide, Sea.
On the Craggy ice in the frozen air
And only seeketh her rocky lair
To warm her young, and to teach them Spring
At once o'er the waves, on their Stormy wing!
On the deep! On the deep!
Where the Whale, and the Shark, and the Swordfish Sleep
Out flying, the blast and the driving rain
The Petrel telleth her tale - in vain
For the mariner curseth the warning bird 
Who bringeth him news of the Storms unheard
Ah! thus doth the prophet of good or ill
Meet hate from the creatures he serveth still
Yet [[underlined]] he [[/underlined]] ne'er falters; So Petrel! spring
Once more o'er the waves on thy Stormy wing -

Wednesday April 4th 1849. Weather mild. and clear almost a Calm. Saw a Sail to the Westward 12 M Lat 32° 49' South Long 47° 36' North.