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Wednesday April 25th 1849 - weather Cold. Wind West, occasional Squalls of Rain and Snow. Sea quite rough Lat
55°34' South Long 61°32' West

Thursday April 26th 1849 - Weather Cold. Wind West. some Squalls of rain and Snow. Lat 57°01 South Long 63°06' West. Caught several Cape Pigeons to day with a Hook and line -

Friday April 27th 1849 - Cold and cloudy. Snow squals as usual. Wind East blowing a good Breeze Lat 58°12' South Long 65°52' West.

Saturday April 28th 1849 - Cloudy and Rainy. light Wind from the West, Saw a Sail to the Windward supposed to be a Bark. Saw 2 verry large Whales quite near the Ship they were of the Hump Back spieces and about 30 feet in length. the days are getting quite short scarcely more than 8 hours from Sunrise to Sun sett. at Mid day the Sun is only 18 degrees above the Horrison. describing a verry small circle far to the North of us, leaving us almost entirely destitute of its warm rays and cheering light, and subject daily to driven still farther by storms and head Winds on this Cold and desolate path around Cape Horn Lat 58°33' south Long 
70°01' West.

Sunday April 29th 1849 - Stormy and Cold. Wind West. Saw the Bark again to day to the Windward Lat 59°01' South Long 
71°44' West -

Monday April 30th 1849 - Weather cold. Wind light from the West. Lat 59°00' South Long 72°12' West- in the afternoon the wind freshened up and we were enabled to resume our course -

Tuesday May 1 1849. Cold and Stormy. Wind West blowing a Gale. and we were obliged to lay to under close reefed Fore and Main Top Sails Lat 58°07' South Long 72°11' West. The