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Wind continued to blow with considerable violence during the whole day. the Decks were constantly with the rain and the Spray from the Sea, rendering our imprisonment in the Cabin rather tedious- although this is May day as it is called, still here we are far from the noise and bustle of moving &c so common at Home -

Wednesday May 2nd 1849 - The Wind chopped around to the South West during the night and Still continued to blow a Gale, and we were compeled to lay to under Close reefed Fore & Main Top Sails. the Seas running verry high. Lat 
57°27' south Long 72°40' West

Thursday May 3rd 1849 - Cloudy & Rainy. Wind West we were obliged to lay to again to day the Same as Yesterday Lat 57°55' South Long 73°48'

Friday May 4th 1849. Cold. Wind West. Sea running verry high. Some Squalls of Rain Saw a Beautiful Rainbow to day Lat 58°00' South Long 73°17 West

Saturday May 5th 1849 - Cold and Cloudy Wind West. the Sea was not quite so rough to day and we were enabled to make some headway. we had quite a Snow Squall this afternoon. Lat 57°32' south Long 74°20' West

Sunday May 6th 1849 - The Decks this morning presented quite a Wintry appearance. the weather was freezing Cold and the Decks were covered with Snow and Ice. the Sky was clear with the exception of a few Snow Squalls, accompanied with heavy gusts of Wind,, which kept the Sailors quite busy all day in making and taking in Sail Wind South West. Lat 57°28' South Long 73°34' West