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Monday May 7th 1849. Cloudy and Cold Wind moderate from the South West. Saw a Ship to the Windward supposed to be bound around the Horn. we did not get within Speaking distance. Lat 55°25' South Long 76°25' West -

Tuesday May 8. 1849. Weather Cool. and Cloudy with some Squalls of Rain. Wind South East blowing a good Stiff breeze. quite a large School of Porposes were sporting and gamboling about the Bows of the Ship to day. they were of a different Spieces from those we Saw on the other side of the Horn. Lat 53°25' South Long 77°27'

Wednesday May 9th 1849 - Weather Cool. and Clear Wind South East blowing quite fresh and Steady we have every Sail sett to the wind that will be of any avail in procuring Speed. we have averaged to day about 9 Knots an hour, instead of close reefed Top Sails, we have now a full spread of Canvass- Lat 50°47' South Long 78°15' West

Thursday May 10th 1849 - The Wind continued fair all night, the moon was full and the evening Sereene and beautiful. the weather this morning was cool. the Sky was clear and the Sun rose beautifully from its Watery bed cheering our lonely path on the Wild Ocean with its glowing light and genial rays. the wind was light from the South West. Lat 48°34' South Long 78°48' West

Friday May 11th 1849. Mild and clear, and we were lying as still as a Calm would let us. the wind during the night had completely exhausted itself. Saw Several Whale this morning also a few Sea Tortoise. Albatross, Cape Pigeons &c were quite numerous to day. we succeeded in catching a few of them, about noon the wind commenced blowing lightly from