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the North East and by dark it had increased to a 7 knot breeze Lat 47°49' South Long 78°53' West

Saturday May 12th 1849. This morning it was raining quite hard and the Wind blowing a Gale from the South West, and we were obliged to lay to untill 10 AM. when it cleared of and the Wind gradually died away leaving the Sea verry rough. Saw Several Whale, Caught an Albatross which measured 10 feet 8 inches from tip to tip and weighed 19 1/2 lbs. Lat 46°21' South Long 78°15' West -

Sunday May 13th 1849. The morning Cloudy and several Squalls of Rain. the Wind was light from the South, but increased as the day advanced. Several Porposes were playing about the Bows of th Ship to day. Lat 45°40' South Long 79°20' West -

Monday May 14th 1849 - Cloudy and Rainy Wind light from the South West. Saw several Whale again to day. all that we have seen yet have been directing their course to the North. Lat 43°25' South Long 75°05' West

Wednesday May 16th 1849 - Cloudy & Squally Wind Variable. it began to rain about 9 P.M yesterday and the wind changed with it. frequent Squalls of Rain during the day accompanied with a change of Wind each time. at Sun down the Wind was directly ahead. Saw a Brig ahead of us. Lat 39°09' South. Long 78°40' West -

Thursday May 17th 1849. Clear and warm no wind at all. the Passengers embraced the opportunity the calm afforded them