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an 8 Knot breeze. we were running within Sight of the land all day. Saw a Sail to the Windward supposed to be the one we Saw Yesterday. The Sailors were busily engaged in getting the Anchors over the Bows for Anchoring in the Harbour of Valparaiso, which place we are expecting to see tomorrow Lat 35°25' South Long 73°39' West-

Wednesday May 23rd 1849 - Weather Cool, Wind South blowing a good Stiff breeze. we dropped Anchor in harbor opposite the City of Valparaiso about 12 M, making the Passage from St Catharines to this place in 53 days, and from New York including 14 day stoppage at St Catharines in 121 days. Valparaiso lies in Lat 32°51' South. Long 73°57' West. We had a beautifull Sail along up the Coast this morning going at the rate of 10 to 12 Miles an hour, under a full spread of Canvass. 6 other vessels going in at the same time, giving us a fair trial of our Barks Sailing qualities. And I must say she did her part nobly. if the chase had been of a few hours longer duration I think we would have beat the whole fleet. We had a fair opportunity of viewing the beautifull Mountain Scenery along the Coast, which for grandeur, magnificence and wildness, exceeded anything of the Kind it has been my lot to behold before. and farther back from the Coast range the lofty Andes, rearing their bold Peaks, and piercing the clouds with their Snow-capt Summits, Contrasting beautifully with the dark foliage of the Mountains below; The Harbour presented quite an imposing appearance. there were lying