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[[underlined]] 57 [[/underlined]]
at Anchor upwards of 50 Vessels of all classes. the U.S. Sloop of War Dale  just returned from California en route for New York. the news she brought from the Gold Mines were flattering, and confirmed the most exaggerated accounts before given, our hopes in regard to the future prospect of obtaining wealth from the gold mines in California were strengthened, and we were anxious to resume our voyage as Soon as possible. We sent our letters home by the [[underlined]] Dale [[/underlined]] she Sailed on the 26th inst. She takes also the U.S. Minister to Chili who I understand has been recalled. The U.S. Reverend Cutter Ewing Lieut Bartlett Commanding, arrived here a few days previous from New York and bound for California. There was an English Man of War Frigate, [[underlined]] Asia [[/underlined]] also an English War Steamer the [[underlined]] Gargon [[/underlined]] I believe is the name, there were Several Vessels lying here from New York and bound to San Francisco among them were the Bark Peytona, Ships Florence and Daniel Webster & Brig Mary W. together with Several others from different ports in the States The Harbour of Valparaiso is not very extensive but safe except for Northern Gales for which it lies verry much exposed. the Anchorage ground is good. The City contains a population of about 50,000. it was destroyed in 1825 by an Earthquake. it is built principally [[strikethrough]] built [[/strikethrough]] upon a Steep Side hill, and can be viewed at a Single glance from where our Ship lies at Anchor, which is about one mile distant from the Shore. it has no Docks. freight &c is conveyed to and from the Shores by means of Launches or Barges. it is a place of considerable trade. The Business is confined principally to the lower Streets. they