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labour from $3 to $5.00 per day. The price of Passage from here to San Francisco in Sailing Vessels is $250.00 Freight is worth $30.00 per ton, and Vessels are scarce at those rates. To the humble admirer of Nature and its Scenery, these Ports that we have visited in South America present many beautiful prospects. Vegetation abounds almost spontaneous. The Climate healthy and Salubrious, and the resource for the Sustenance of the Human frame is almost within their own grasp, and with a verry little exertion. And in viewing the lofty Mountains, awful Chasms, frightful precipices, and deep ravines, one cannot help but admire the beauties and magnificence of the works of the Almighty. Those lofty Mountains the land marks that have for ages withstood the Storms and Tempests, and gave the bounds to the wild Ocean, show the insignificance of the Works of Man, compared with those of the Creator of the Universe- On the afternoon of the 26th we were busily at work in making preparations to resume our Voyage. The hour of Sailing was 5 PM, but from unavoidable detentions in collecting the Passengers together it was 7 PM before we weighed Anchor. the wind in the meantime had completely left us. An Accident came near befalling us which if happened would probably have reminded us of Valparaiso for Some time to come. in our efforts to beat out the Harbour with a light wind during the night the Current was rappidly drawing the Ship upon a ledge of rocks about 4 AM all hands and Passengers were called up on Deck to save the Ship if possible by towing her off. she was there within a few