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[[underlined]] 63 [[/underlined]]
immediately, and dash along the ups and downs of her determined way. Behind her, a resplendent wake is levelled from her Keel, and boils as it recedes foamy and indignant from her intrusion - Sometimes the wind is light, or fair astern as can be, and in both theese cases she rocks us at a round rate. Now one feels as if certainly we should capsize as she puts down her masts on the Starboard or Larboard as the case may be to an angle of 45 degrees - seemingly- to the plane of the general surface. then recovering she recedes to the opposite extreeme, and as regular as the motions of a pendulum, vibrates with pretentious sweep from one side to the other, thus she ploughs the mighty main superiour, and as if instinct with thoughts of the port she has to make. The effects of this is seen and felt through all the interiour. The whole Cabin hangs out signals of distress, your trunks, boots, books, and other small notions, are all confused, thrown about in topsy-turvy order, and sometimes considerably damaged, till one learns properly to bestow and secure them. Still then indeed it is difficult to walk or stand, to eat and even to Sleep, as one feels in his uneasy berth, a nervous propensity to resist the lateral rolling, lest she should go down with him irrecoverably far. although he discerns afterwards that his ballancing efforts are all ridiculous and childish, and at length can snore deliciously [[insertion in pencil]] , [[/insertion]] indeed ^[[insertion in pencil]] aided [[/insertion]] by the gratuitous rocking. A lurch is any verry sudden, irregular or extraordinary motion, out of the common shaking routine, which the Ship is want to make at intervals, and which no sagacity can anticipate, or alertness and practice can evade. Connected with this is the fine