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Monday July 16th 1849. cloudy. Wind North East. Saw a Sail to the leaward going the Same course that we were. Lat 21°46' North Long 122°09' West

Tuesday July 17th 1849. Cloudy light Wind North East About dark a small Boat was discovered afloat near the Stern of the Ship. it was right side up, and apparently with no one in it. The Offices of the Ship made no exertions to get it. There was a Singular circumstance occurred the night before, of a Dream of one of the Passengers and the 3rd Mate, which was related simultaneously during the day. each one of them dreamed of seeing a small boat pass by the Ship, with no one in it. Lat 22°57' N Long 124°30' West -

Wednesday July 18th 1849  Cloudy  Wind N.E.   Lat 24°12' N Log 125°40'
Thursday    "  19th  "      "       "   "      "  24°36'
 "  127°30'
Friday      "  20th  "      "       "   "      "  25°00'
 "  127°40'
Saturday    "  21st  "      "       "  N.N.E.  "  26°08'
 "  127°54'
Sunday      "  22nd  "      "       "  N by E  "  27°32'
 "  130°18'
Monday      "  23rd  "      "       "    "     "  29°04'
 "  131°15'
Tuesday     "  24th  "      "       "  NNE     "  30°55'
 "  133°15'
Wednesday    " 25th  "      "       "   "      "  32°32'
  "    134°20'
Saw a Sail to the leaward supposed to be a Schooner bearing the same course that we were.

Thursday  July 26th Cloudy Wind North Lat  °   '  Long  °   '

Friday      "  27th  Clear  "    "     "           "

Saturday  July 28th Clear Wind South East and light. we were put upon an allowance of Water to continue during the remainder of the Passage the quantity allowed each man per diem was 2 quarts, both for drinking and cooking purposes. The Molasses and Sugar was also declared nearly out, a division of that was called for and 1 Qt of Molasses and 2 1/2 tbs of Sugar was each portion.