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[[underlined]] 78 [[/underlined]]
Where Friendship, Hope, Peace and Charity, could forever live
That discord may not quench the flame, love hath kindled.

The Thoughts of Home!  The parting scene, who can tell
The anguish of the soul, as the time draws nigh to part.
With these we love, the gushing tear, the sad farewell,
We ne'er can blot from memory's page, or heal the aching [[insertion]] heart [[/insertion]]

The Thoughts of Home!  While on the dreary main we roam
From Billow to bounding Billow toss'd, through foul and fair,
Can we those scenes forget!  When at some future time, a home
In some far distant land, in weal, in woe, alone to share.

Friday  Augt 3rd '49.  Cloudy & Squally, Wind North passed a Brig to the Leaward this morning.

Saturday  Augt 4th '49.  Cloudy again to day, Wind North saw a sail to the Leawards, a large school of Porposes were playing around our bows this morning When a Vessel is under a certain headway say about 6 miles the hour, and she comes in contact with a school of Porposes, they will remain in company for a considerable length of time, and more particularly if the Vessel is sailing diagonally across the Seas, then the waves dash up and back against the Bows, and if it should be a dark night the Scene is beautifull.  Any slight commotion in the Water of the Ocean in a dark night, it emits a sparkling and brilliant light, and appears as if the Vessel was Sailing through a sphere of liquid Fire. The Angry waves as they rise up against the proud Bow of our majestic Bark, are dashed back again foamy and indignant, rolling its sparkling fragments into its fiery, and now disordered element.  There these little imps of the deep, darting around Comet-like leaving a fiery streak in their pathway, renders the Scene lively and beautiful.

Transcription Notes:
weal = wellbeing