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Hills, clothed with wild Oats and more or less openly wooded on their summits. it assumes though in a State of Nature, a beautiful and cultivated appearance. Wild Oats cover it in continuous fields and herds of wild Cattle are scattered over low Hills, and partly isolated ridges, and terminating into more abruptly broken hills or mountains, Myriads of Wild Geese, Ducks, Pelicans, Cranes and numerous other species of Water Fowl, infest the Shores and waters of the Bays. Otter & seal are quite numerous also. The Waters abound in the most excellent varieties of Fish, such as Salmon, Trout and the like. and on the Marsh bordering on the Bays, an innumerable flock of Curlews and Mud hen an excellent Game bird.
We came to an Anchor at dark in [[Swisun?]] Bay. The wind was blowing fresh and cool from the North and we were compelled to lie on the open decks of the Boat, with only our Blankets to shelter us. which we had sparingly provided ourselves with and thus we passed a very uncomfortable night. We resumed our passage again at day -light and about sunrise entered the mouth of the San Joaquin (San Wan Keen) River. This river and the Sacramento both enter the Bay at the same place, one from the South the other from the North. at the mouth of the San Joaquin River is situated the town of "New York on the Pacific" as it is called. Col Stevenson of the New York Volunteers figured largely in bringing this place in existence at present it consists of one House nearly completed two others in contemplation, and a Flag staff with the American colour flying is all that denotes the place of this "Gotham" in embryo. its location is low and backed by level and extensive plains vessels of all classes can lie along side of the Bank.